The Fannin County Public Works is responsible for maintaining 442 miles of approved county roads. Of these 442 miles, 87 miles is paved with Chip & Seal surface pavement, 204 miles are paved with asphalt and the remaining 150 miles are gravel. We are working diligently to pave and improve all county roads. The Fannin County Public Works is forbidden by State of Georgia law (O.C.G.A. 32-1-08) to maintain or add gravel to any road that is not on the approved county road list.

Public Works Director: Zack Ratcliff
Cell: 706-851-6051
Main Office: 706-632-5481
Fax: 706-632-9887

County Road Issue?

Let us know. Fill out this form and submit a photo if you have one.

    I would like to report:
    Pot Hole or Pavement IssueTree Down in RoadItem in RoadDead or Injured Animal in or near RoadOther Hazard

    Date and Time you noticed the issue:
    [datetime datetime date-format:mm/dd/yy time-format:HH:mm]

    Are you uploading a photo of the issue to us??

    If you have a photo, please up load it here. Your photo file size must be LESS than 10Mb!